Speaking on Metro FM on Tuesday morning, Atta Kusi has given reasons why they, as professional footballers and for that matter Asante Kotoko players find it difficult to stop playing in community gala games and “Sunday Special” matches.
It is a case of players who want to show love back to their communities against the standards of a professional club that limit where, how and what games the players can play outside the club. Yes the community made them who they are today but the clubs are also the paymasters of the players but we know where the power lies. You have to obey your paymaster.
But the Kotoko full-back lamented about the fear factor of being tagged as pompous and not sociable should they as pro footballers decline invitations to play in such community soccer events.
Three Kotoko players Osei Agyemang, Kusi and Tuffour Frimpong who recently played in community games were punished by coach Michael Osei.
” We have been playing such Sunday Special games since our developmental stages as players and so now that we play for a big clubs like Kotoko, if we decide not to play anymore, they will tag us as pompous and not sociable anymore. Some of them will even start hating you for not playing and that is why we normally play” Kusi told Kumasi-based Metro FM on Tuesday morning.
However the defender seized the opportunity to apologize to the coach and the fans of the club for breaking club rules and has since promised never to play in such community football competitions again.
Follow the writer of the story Gariba Raubil on twitter : Follow @GRAUBIL