Asante Kotoko has embarked on a groundbreaking venture that marks the dawn of a new era in football development. The club has unveiled an ambitious plan to launch its very own Youth Team, designed with the purpose of nurturing and refining the talents of the upcoming generation of football prodigies.
The meticulously devised Youth Team initiative, crafted by the club’s Interim Management Committee (IMC), is set to kick off with a promising squad of 10 exceptionally gifted players. This select group represents the vanguard of Ghanaian football’s future and embodies the club’s unwavering dedication to cultivating local talent.
In a sports landscape that places paramount importance on nurturing young talent, Asante Kotoko’s decision to establish a dedicated Youth Team resonates profoundly with their commitment to fostering the growth and perpetuity of the sport.
The 10 young prospects, handpicked based on their skills, potential, and commitment, will benefit from high-caliber coaching and mentorship provided by seasoned guides. As they proudly don the iconic Asante Kotoko jersey, these emerging luminaries will be armed with the tools necessary to navigate the intricate pathways of contemporary football.
Presently accompanying the senior team for pre-season training in Beposo under the guidance of Prosper Narteh Ogum, these players are actively engaged in honing their skills.
Heading the Youth Team will be Moro Ibrahim, former assistant coach of WAFA SC, who steps into the role previously held by the departed Abdulai Gazale.
During a recent meeting with the Executives of the Greater Accra Regional Circles Council, the Chairman of the IMC, Nana Apinkra Akwasi Awuah, unveiled the forthcoming steps. He revealed that the players would be officially registered with the Ghana Football Association this week to set the Youth Team in motion. The goal is to assemble a full-fledged team by December, demonstrating the club’s steadfastness in this endeavor.
“We currently have 10 youth players that we want to start with. We will first register them at the GFA and latest by December, we will have a formidable youth team,” he said.
As part of their proactive measures, Asante Kotoko also solidified their commitment to women’s football by partnering with Kumasi Sports Academy Ladies FC. This move aligns with the requirements stipulated by the club licensing board of the Ghana Football Association, further underlining Asante Kotoko’s holistic approach to football development.